Welcome - Remember and test your knowledge about Structure (finding reactions - stability - determinacy) - More than 30questions - Round of 20 questions مرحبا بك - تذكر واختبر معلوماتك عن الاستركشر (ايجاد ردود الافعال - الاتزان - القابلية للحل استاتيكيا) - أكثر من 300 سؤال - 20 سؤال كل مرة
Structurual Analysis (1)
Test on Determinate Structures

True or False? (random questions)

Start Test

Structural Analysis (2)

Lecture Notes



Chapter 1

Properties of Sections

Revision on Properties of Sections - 1

Revision on Properties of Sections - 2

Revision on Properties of Sections - 3

Chapter 2

Straining Actions

Revision on Internal Forces for Beams - 1

Revision on Internal Forces for Beams - 2

Revision on Internal Forces for Beams - 3

Chapter 3

Normal Stresses

Normal Stresses - 1

Normal Stresses - 2

Normal Stresses - 3

Normal Stresses - 4

Chapter 4

Shear Stresses

Shear Stresses - 1

Shear Stresses - 2

Shear Stresses - 3

Shear Failure Example

Chapter 5

Principal Stresses

Chapter 6

Deformations of Statically Determinate Structures

Double integration method - 1

Double integration method - 2

Double integration method - 3

Double integration method - 4

Double integration method - 5

Chapter 7

Deformations - Virtual work method

Virtual work method - 1

Virtual work method - 2

Virtual work method - 3

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